The path towards more sustainable beer, enabling creativity, quality, hospitality and profitability.


Decentralized beer production with sharing and improvement of practices and knowledge


Leader for connected street-scale breweries enabling our customers to sustainably combine creativity, quality, hospitality and profitability


Beer experience, planet driven to excellence

  • Enhancing Food Security and Local Sourcing (SDG2)
    Streetbrewers connects mini-brasseries with local food establishments, strengthening local food systems, reducing long supply chains, and promoting sustainable, locally-sourced ingredients
  • Empowering Local Economies (SDG8)
    Streetbrewers supports smaller-scale breweries and brewpubs, creating job opportunities and fostering entrepreneurship. This promotes local economic development
  • Encouraging Innovation and Creativity (SDG9)
    By facilitating experimentation and smaller batches, Streetbrewers drives innovation and creativity in the brewing industry, contributing to its growth and advancement
  • Supporting Local Communities and Culture (SDG11)
    Brewpubs established through Streetbrewers become community hubs, fostering social interactions, preserving local culture, and enhancing the vibrancy of communities
  • Responsible consumption and production (SDG12)
    By changing the approach, we reduce half of the CO2 emissions of the value chain.
    No planned obsolescence because brewery will be evolving in time
  • Fostering Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration (SDG17)
    Streetbrewers' international community platform enables brewers to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate globally, promoting learning, innovation, and best practices

    By addressing these aspects, Streetbrewers not only contributes to the environmental sustainability of the brewing industry but also brings social and economic benefits. They promote prosperity, local development, innovation, and collaboration, aligning with the broader objectives of the SDGs.


    Nikolaas Sobry, CEO

    Nikolaas Sobry takes on the role of CEO at Streetbrewers, leveraging his entrepreneurial background to coordinate and optimize the project's timing and resource allocation. With extensive experience in business development, project management, and international consultancy, Nikolaas brings a wealth of expertise to the company. His strategic mindset and deep knowledge of water treatment and transfer will drive the company's growth, foster valuable partnerships, and ensure effective leadership for sustainable success.

    Stefaan Vanderheyden, CTO

    As the CTO of Streetbrewers, Stefaan Vanderheyden brings his IT executive background to the table, providing operational expertise and implementing agile work methodologies. With a strong focus on leveraging next-gen cloud infrastructures, Stefaan enhances the company's technological capabilities. His experience in designing, implementing, and monitoring back-end software solutions across various sectors, coupled with his proficiency in continuous integration and deployment tools, allows for efficient delivery of container-based solutions to major cloud service providers.

    Hendrik Geuens, COO

    Hendrik Geuens contributes as Streetbrewers COO with his extensive project management experience, expertise in infrastructure development, and operations management skills. His background in managing tender processes, coordinating teams, and overseeing diverse projects will enable him to effectively lead and optimize operational activities, ensuring smooth production, quality control, and efficient supply chain management for Streetbrewers.