SB membership, including :

- 1 intelligent kegg based bartap

- 1 interactive barscreen

- 1 tapgame with leaderbord on barscreen and SB website

- barmenu and events promotion on barscreen and SB website

goodie design and promotion on barscreen and SB website

SB fresh serving tank, including :

- 1 interactive 120L cip-fill-tap station

- 4 intelligent serving tank based bartap

- 4 tapgames with leaderbord on barscreen and SB website

SB street-scale brewery

  • industrial automation (incl. cleaning), robustness & quality
  • portable & compact, minimizing footprint
  • user friendly for non initiated brewers (punctual interventions such as place/remove ingredients )
  • repeatability over all the breweries of the Streetbrewers community
  • upgradable in capacity (bringing you from pico 40hl/y to micro level : 300/y)
  • modular & evolving with latest available practices and knowledge
  • customer experience maximized through design and interactive app's